Online Registration Form
(Closing Date : Tuesday, June 15, 2024)

I wish to participate in Pondok Indah Amateur Golf Championship 2024 at Pondok Indah Golf Course - INDONESIA.

 Player Profile
Full Name* :
Place & Date of Birth* : /
Gender* :
Handicap/H'cap Index* :
Home Club/Association* :
Nationality* :
Country Represented* :
Player's Photo* : Allowed extension: jpg and jpeg
 Supporting Documents
For Indonesian players, please provide copy of KTP, Student Card or Kartu Keluarga (KK) as yor ID.
For non-Indonesian players, please provide copy of passport as your ID.
Please note that your passport must be valid for at least six months before you depart for Indonesia.
ID No. :
Upload copy of ID :   Allowed extension: jpg, jpeg, and pdf
Passport Expired On :   For non-Indonesia players only.
 Player Contact Information
Mailing Address*
Phone No.*
Email* :
Mobile Phone*
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